Pupils at Longwick School thrilled to receive Premier League Primary Stars Football Kit
Pupils from Longwick C of E Combined School will be able to kick-off the new term in style, following the delivery of a free Premier League Primary Stars kit for their football team.
Longwick was awarded the free Nike kit, consisting of 15 football shirts, shorts and socks, after Mr Humphreys’ successful online application through the Premier League Primary Stars website.
Premier League Primary Stars is available to primary schools across England and Wales and uses the appeal of the Premier League and professional football clubs to inspire girls and boys aged 5-11 to learn and be active.
PLPrimaryStars.com offers primary school teachers free curriculum-linked resources in English, Maths, PE and PSHE, and opportunities for schools to enter competitions and access free offers like the Premier League Primary Stars Kit and Equipment scheme.
Richard Scudamore, Executive Chairman of the Premier League said: “The Premier League Primary Stars kit and equipment packs provide a fantastic boost to schools at the start of the new school year. We hope that coupled with the free downloadable online resources, we can inspire children to do their best in the classroom and on the sports field.”
Mr Humphreys, PE Curriculum Leader at Longwick said “It has been fantastic to be awarded this kit as it will really help build our team morale and allow the children to take pride in representing our school in football. The kit will be used across the whole of Key Stage 2 so it is wonderful that it will positively affect and engage so many children.”