ODBST provides a HR service to all schools within the Trust, with the aim to assist in promoting ODBST’s core mission of empowering our unique schools to excel. Our HR role is to act as a partner to our schools to work alongside their HR requirements, whilst ensuring that the education of our pupils is well supported.

We provide a HR service where we encourage our school leaders to be autonomous and to empower them work with the team for the benefit of the school. We work closely within the ODBST central team, in particular our School Improvement Adviser, to ensure that our schools receive the best possible ‘joined up’ service.

The HR remit covers a variety of core areas, including new starters, payroll, pensions, policies, employee relations matters, teachers’ pay, change management and TUPE transfers.

ODBST school leaders and Governing Bodies have access to a dedicated HR Manager for any HR related queries they may have, or any advice and guidance that they may require. Nothing is ‘off limits’, and we actively encourage our schools to work in partnership with us to ensure the best possible outcome in all situations.

As ODBST continues its growth, this is an exciting time for us, and we are committed to providing a service which meets our schools’ and employees’ requirements.